2020 was the third dry and warm year in a row. The water reserves in our soils were only partially refilled during winter, and rainfall was rare throughout the spring and summer.

The budding of the vines occurred very early, as early as the beginning of April. After a cool May, luckily no frost, warm, dry weather prevailed. The vines developed rapidly, comparable to the previous years. Our deep-rooted old vines came through the summer well. Our new vineyards, shaped to adapt to warm summers, also did well. Damage from the drought fortunately remained the absolute exception.

Cooler temperatures from September onwards slowed down the ripening process, leaving enough time for the development of multi-layered aromas. In the grape picking season, at the end of September, we were able to harvest fully ripe and healthy grapes. Due to the excellent health and favorable weather, we also had the opportunity to harvest selected grapes for our extreme Riesling wines „Sun“ and „Moon“.

In the cellar, the excellent quality of the new wines became apparent shortly afterwards. 2020 is the fourth very good vintage in a row. (Text © by Dr. Martin Tesch | Foto © by Dr. Martin Tesch)