TESCH Riesling

2023 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

“Powerful lime aroma, and an energy that makes this leap joyfully across your palate. Then, as the air starts to work on this, a whole fruit salad of aromas on the medium-bodied palate. Then the lime freshness gently builds again to a serious statement in the finish. Drink or hold.”
95 Punkte | jamessuckling.com | S. Pigott

“The 2023 Riesling Trocken Langenlonsheimer Königsschild is pure yet also intense and reveals a fine mineral core wrapped by precise, fresh and elegant apricot aromas. Very elegant and refined on the first palate, this is a round and juicy yet crystalline and mineral Königsschild, whose limestone soils mixed with loess and loam managed the vintage very well, even in the rainier last third of the vegetation period. The wine comes in with 13% stated alcohol but is light-footed, fine and stimulating, with a long and expressive finish. This is never fat and never rich in texture but an intense and pure Riesling from Langenlonsheim. It’s probably the finest Königsschild in Martin Tesch’s career. Screw-cap closure. Tasted in September 2024.”
94 Punkte | www.robertparker.com | S. Reinhardt

“The Königsschild shows finesse with grapefruit aromas and flavors, a medium-weight body, and overall roundness, but it also has a structure typical of limestone soils. Screw cap closure. 13.0% stated alcohol.”
92+ Punkte | Fine Wine Review | C. Kolm

„The 2023 Riesling Königsschild is a fully south-facing site of light, calcareous loess. Crushed citrus foliage and pale lemon skin set the tone on the nose. The palate follows suit with fine, lemon-scented freshness, super-light and vividly bright. This is the slenderest Riesling of the portfolio, citrus-focused and lip-smacking. (Bone-dry)“
92 Punkte | www.vinous.com | A. Krebiehl

“Full screwcapped bottle just 1,161 g. Deep-rooted vines on limestone with loess and alluvial loam. Turquoise capsule. Distinctly floral nose. Less flamboyant than the Krone with delicacy and some more to give. Real limestone lift and sappiness. Less fruit and more mineral than some of its stablemates. The acidity is still quite marked but there is no concern that it won’t deliver eventually. Still slightly astringent.”
17.0 Punkte | jancisrobinson.com | J. Robinson

2022 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

“Der 2022 Langenlonsheimer Königsschild Riesling trocken öffnet sich mit einem reinen und intensiven, aber noch etwas ungezähmten (reduktiven) Bouquet von reifen und gut konzentrierten Früchten, die auf Kalksteinböden, vermischt mit Lößlehm, angebaut wurden. Am Gaumen vollmundig und üppig, aber auch straff und strukturiert im mittleren bis vollen Körper, ist dies ein recht komplexer und vielversprechender trockener Nahe-Riesling mit einem stringenten, aber auch salzigen und erfrischenden zitrusartigen Abgang. Er hat eine sehr gute Länge. 12% Alkohol. Stelvin-Schraubverschluss. Verkostung im Oktober 2023.”
92+ | S. Reinhardt | www.robertparker.com

“Der Königsschild von Tesch ist mittelschwer mit einem kräftigen, leicht säurebetonten Auftakt mit Grapefruit- und anderen Zitrusaromen sowie starker Konzentration und Dichte. Dieser Wein stammt von Kalksteinböden und ist normalerweise mein Favorit unter den Tesch-Weinen, auch wenn dies auf den 2022er im Moment noch nicht zutrifft. 12,0% Alkohol.”
92/A | C. Kolm | TheFineWineReview

“So spritzig und energisch, dass es einem den Atem raubt. Messerscharfe Säure und Zitronenschalenfrische, aber auch jede Menge Frucht. Sehr aufregender langer und geradliniger Abgang.”
94 | S. Pigott | www.jamessuckling.com

“Eine volle Flasche, mit ihrem türkisfarbenen Etikett und Schraubverschluss wiegt lediglich 1.160 g. Angebaut auf Kalkstein und Löss. Fein gemeißelt mit echter Präzision, aber auch gutem Zitrusextrakt. Schon jetzt ein Genuss! Und beeindruckend langanhaltend. Trinkreife von 2023 bis 2027.”
17/20 | J. Robinson | www.jancisrobinson.com

2021 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

„The 2021 Riesling Königsschild opens with a pure, intense yet subtle and floral/stony bouquet with still slightly reductive notes of crushed stones and ripe lemons. Precise and lush on the palate, this is an elegant, refined and linear, tight, fine-meshed and persistently saline dry Riesling with crunchy phenols on the stimulatingly bitter finish. This is an excellent dry Riesling from loess. 12.5% stated alcohol.“ 93 | S. Reinhardt | www.robertparker.com

„Der Königsschild ist mein ständiger Favorit unter den Weinen von Tesch. Es ist ein reiner, konzentrierter, präziser Wein mit Tiefe und Kalkmineralität. Er ist mittelschwer, mit guter Konzentration und Säure, die präsent, aber gut integriert und nicht dominant ist. Kalksteinböden mit Muschelschalen unter Löss. Schraubverschluss. 12,5% Alkohol.“ 95/A+ | C. Kolm | TheFineWineReview

„Dieser Wein zeichnet sich durch ein wunderbares Zusammenspiel von reifen und frischen Komponenten aus, die ihn trotz der beachtlichen Intensität leichtfüßig machen. Lebendig und leicht macht er Lust auf das Leben. So viel knackige Birne und Pomelo mit einem zarten floralen Touch. Langer, sehr eleganter Abgang mit einer Mineralität von Austernschalen.“ 94 | S. Pigott | www.jamessuckling.com

„Flasche inklusive Schraubverschluss nur 1.117 g. Hochtönig mit einem Aroma von schwarzen Johannisbeerblättern. Gute Balance zwischen Frucht, Säure und Extrakt mit einem langen Abgang und etwas Granny-Smith-Apfel-Aroma. Äußerst erfrischend. Kein Grund zur Eile den Wein jung zu trinken.12,5% | Trinkzeit 2022-2029” 16.5+/20 | J. Robinson | www.jancisrobinson.com

2020 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

Tesch’s 2020 Riesling Königsschild offers a clear and delicate as well as elegant bouquet of ripe yellow fruits intertwined with almond or nutty aromas. Round, lush and elegant on the palate, this full-bodied Königsschild develops a certain power structured by serious phenols, mineral grip and fine salinity. For Tesch, this is an unusually rich and forceful Riesling. 13% alcohol.
92 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt

So much youthful energy is married to a fruit cocktail of aromas that no mixologist could match. The wonder is that this is super-cool for the warm vintage, with so much drive and precision at the explosive finish. Drink or hold. Screw cap.
95 | jamessuckling.com – Stuart Pigott

Limestone soils with seashell under loess. It’s a homogenous vineyard and did not undergo stress in 2020. Floral, round notes in nose along with some allspice. Slightly rounder in the mouth than the 2019, but similar with citric fruits, some floral notes, and again the allspice. Gentle acidity provides liveliness but does not interfere with the finesse and clarity in the wine. This is a thrilling, electric wine with precision, salinity, and energy. This is the wine with the most finesse and as in 2019, my favorite of the collection.
95/A+ | TheFineWineReview – Claude Kolm

This has the most to it, with some charm already but hints at the greatest hidden depths. It’s not as ethereal as St Remigiusberg 2020 but is fine boned (despite the alcohol) and seemed to recall most strongly the structure of a Grosse Gewächs.
17 | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW

2019 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

The Langenlonsheimer 2019 Riesling Königsschild is fruity and savory up front on the nose that represents the limestone terroir mixed with loess and loam as well as fully ripe and aromatic yet precise and coolish fruit with lime rind, grapefruit, tea and floral aromas. Round and intense on the palate, with a dense and concentrated texture, this is a full-bodied yet compact, filigreed and finely racy Königsschild with tight, lingering mineral freshness and good power and structure. The wine has improved enormously since the sample I tasted in early May. Luckily, I had it again in early August 2020.
92 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt

Some people are frightened of dry riesling, because they think the acidity will bite, but this is so generous (plenty of fruit-salad aromas) and, although it’s decisively dry, there’s nothing even vaguely resembling a sharp edge. Substantial, pithy finish. Drink or hold. Screw cap.
93 | jamessuckling.com – Stuart Pigott

More fragrant than the Unplugged and, in 2019, I’m not sure it qualifies as ‚elegant‘, so much fruit and extract are crammed in here. This single-vineyard wine is a great buy for under €15. There is real breadth on the front palate and then it tightens up thrillingly so that it seems to have a long life ahead. Much longer than one would expect of a wine at this price. Vibrates on the finish.
16.5 pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW

2018 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

From limestone soils mixed with loess and loam, Tesch’s 2018 Königsschild Riesling Trocken (AP 10 19) offers a clear, fresh and lemon-scented bouquet that indicates lovely purity and character. Fullbodied, lush and intense, with grip and good freshness, this is a clear, fresh and powerful dry Riesling with some bitters on the finish. The 2018 Königsschild lacks the concentration, tension and length of the 2017, though, and it also doesn’t have the purity and tightly woven length of the new Riesling Trocken. Tasted in August 2019.Drinking Date 2020-2026.
88 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt

The Langenlosenheimer Königsschild goes to the level of exciting. From chalk, limestone, and loam soils, this wine is light, elegant, precise with lime and other citric fruits. Last digits of A.P. Nr. 10 19. 13.0% stated alcohol.
93/A | THE FINE WINE REVIEW – Claude Kolm

This is the wine in the Tesch range of single-vineyard, colour-differentiated Rieslings that is in brilliant turquoise. Grown on the ‚King’s Shield‘ vineyard south of the Löhrer Berg on limestone with loess and loam. Particularly deep-rooted vines. There is half a per cent more alcohol in this wine than in the rest of the range according to the label but it smells and tastes distinctly ethereal. And bone dry too. This is a bit of a ballet dancer – lissom Riesling. The opposite of pushy. It might well benefit from a little bottle age. 13% | Drink 2020 – 2026.
16.5+ pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW

2017 KÖNIGSSCHILD | Tesch Riesling trocken

From limestone soils mixed with loess and loam, Tesch’s 2017 Königsschild Riesling Trocken is very clear and elegant on the fine, pure and fresh, floral/herbal as well as yeasty nose. Round and fruity on the palate, this is a rather refined and delicate dry Riesling with round and lush, ripe fruit and a finely nervy minerality. The Königsschild is less tight and tensioned than the Löhrer Berg, but it’s a more frisky and filigreed type of Riesling. It’s very elegant and pure and perhaps a more feminine type with remarkable balance and a delicate finish. 12.5% alcohol. Bottled under screwcap. Tasted at the domain in July and at home in August 2019 (AP 06 18). | Drinking Date 2019 -2030.
89 | robertparker.com – The Wine Advocate – Stephan Reinhardt

Not a blockbuster, but a perfect example of a fine dry Riesling, this is seductive, delivering elegance and a silky texture, showing harmony between ripe orchard fruit and mineral notes, with a vibrant structure and good complexity. Long, lip-smacking finish.
91/100 | Wine Spectator

Whispers of smoke and crushed mineral lend nuance to bristling lemon and lime flavors in this dry, yet lusciously textured Riesling. Its fruit profile is fresh and forward yet it’s a steely, vibrantly mineral wine too.
92/100 | Wine Enthusiast

Another impressive wine from this bone-dry riesling specialist. Still a little shy and funky on the nose, but there’s a very satisfying balance of fresh fruit-salad and elegant acidity on the palate. Drink or hold. Screw cap.
92 | jamessuckling.com – Stuart Pigott

Brilliant turquoise for the King’s Shield vineyard on a mix of limestone, loess and alluvial loam. The vines here have particularly deep roots. Creamy, almond nose – rather subtle. Then a great wham of fruit on the palate. Very dense and explosive. Quite a showy wine compared with the Krone. Lots to chew on here; a little more astringent than some. This would partner food well. Charcuterie? Very long. Drink: 2018-2023.
17 pts. | jancisrobinson.com – Jancis Robinson MW

Sehr gut

4,8 / 5,0